Book a nutrition consultation with Sierra.

Meet Sierra

My name is Sierra and I am a Functional Nutrition Practitioner who specializes in gut health. My health coaching practice was inspired by struggles with my own health and my desire to educate and help others regain happiness and vitality.

The body has the ability to repair and restore itself; it just needs the correct environment, nutrients and tools to do so.

Gut Health.

Issues within the gut affect many things including hormones, the nervous system, immune system, the brain, blood sugar, skin, the lymphatic system, mineral status, thyroid, allergies and our mood. An assault to the gut can come about from poor diet and lifestyle, circadian disruption, toxicity and immediately following use of antibiotics and pharmaceuticals.

Repairing and rebalancing a damaged and inflamed gut is important for both physical and mental well-being.

Do you experience these symptoms?

  • Bloating and nausea

  • Chronic constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, indigestion

  • Skin issues (acne, eczema, etc.)

  • Hormone imbalances and thyroid issues

  • Thin and brittle hair and nails

  • Multiple food intolerances

  • Anxiety and/or depression

  • Weight loss resistance or unexplained weight gain

  • Fatigue, brain fog, sleep issues

  • Sugar cravings

What you’ll get when working with me

  • Functional lab work

  • Education on proper eating and lifestyle habits

  • Recommendations for whole food, herbal supplements (only as necessary) to fit your specific needs based on lab work and symptom presentation

  • Email access to me in between appointments

  • Workout plans